At Home
Now it’s time to settle into your 4th Trimester where you and baby get to know each other.
As your Postpartum & Infant Care Doula, I’ll help you navigate through all the uncertainties with.
Virtual Postpartum Education Class – Life After Surgical Birth
Constant Monitoring for any abnormal transitions, physically and or emotionally
Assistance with pain management schedule.
Assistance with positions for breastfeeding/bottle feeding after c-section.
Assist with newborn care, allowing you to rest.
Teaching you baby soothing techniques.
Meal Prep and light day-to-day household task.
Teaching you ways to prevent an SSI (Surgical Site Infection)
Alexandria Is committed to helping you navigate the 4th Trimester with confidence and grace.
The Surgical Doula™ Your Complete C-Section Maternity Care
To learn more about support from The Surgical Doula ™ Schedule your free consultation today